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来源:  时间:2016/07/01 10:59:27  查看次数:


学院登记 初次居住校外或变更住址的留学生,应在24小时内到学院学生工作办公室领取《国际教育学院外国留学生校外住宿登记表》,如实填写校外住宿基本情况。

派出所登记 留学生应在24小时内持本人护照、租房合同和房东身份证到住宿属地派出所办理登记手续,派出所向留学生开具境外人员住宿回执单。

变更住址登记 住址变更的留学生须在24小时内内到学院和新属地派出所办理登记手续。

外出住宿登记 离开常住地到其他地方临时住宿时,在城镇的,须于抵达后24小时内,由留宿人或者本人持住宿人的护照、证件和留宿人的户口簿到当地公安机关申报,填写临时住宿登记表;在农村的,须于72小时内向当地派出所或者户籍办公室申报。

签证变更登记 延期签证的手续结束,从公安局拿到护照后,应在24小时内到当地派出所再次申请临时住宿登记

Policies for Foreign Students Living Off-Campus

In accordance with the regulations set forth by the Public Security Bureau regarding housing for foreigners, our School has implemented a registration system for foreign students who are living off-campus, with the details of these policies as follows:

Registration with the School

Foreign students who begin to live off-campus or who have a change of address are required, within 24 hours, to come to the School's office to obtain a “Registration Form for Off-Campus Housing for a Foreign Student of the School of International Education” in order to report his/her new living arrangements.

Registration with the local police station

Within 24 hours of moving in to off-campus housing, the student must bring his/her passport to the local police station, along with a copies of the housing rental contract and the landlord's identification card, in order to complete foreigner registration procedures. The police station will issue the student a verification of completed registration, which the student should keep for his/her records.

Change of address

Students living off-campus who have a change of address should, within 24 hours, come to the School's office as well as the local police station in order to complete address registration procedures.

Temporary stays outside of one's normal place of residence.

This section is regarding the student who leaves his/her normal place of residence to stay temporarily in another location. If the temporary location is in the city, that student or his/her host must, within 24 hours of arrival, bring the student's passport, the host's official documents and household registration to the local police station in order to report the temporary lodging and complete a temporary lodging registration form. If the temporary location is outside the city in the villages, the above must be completed within 72 hours of arrival.

Registration after the change or update of a visa

Once the process for extending a visa (or residence permit) has been completed and the passport has been returned to the student, that student must, within 24 hours, report to the local police station in order to register his/her housing arrangements with this new

上一条:中国政府奖学金生年度评审办法 下一条:Regulations for the Management of Foreign Students

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