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NingxiaUniversitySchoolof International Education

Attendance Policies (Revised)

In order to ensure that theSchoolofInternational Educationoperates smoothly and is able to fulfill its responsibility in ensuring that foreign students complete their studies successfully, our School sets forth the following attendance policies and rules for foreign students. The following is also in accordance with the attendance policies ofNingxiaUniversity(revised April, 2011).

  1. All students must arrive at the school prior to the start of an academic semester (no earlier than two weeks prior to the start of the semester). Those students with student I.D. Cards should report to the Foreign Students Office in order to register. If for any reason a student is not able to register within this period, that student must notify the Office ahead of time in order to request this leave of absence; otherwise, the student's absences will be regarded as truancies.

  2. Foreign students should select their elective courses in accordance with their area of study and the policies and course schedules of their respective schools. Students should be conscious of complying with academic discipline, arriving to class on time and being careful not to cut class, arrive late, or leave early without excusable reason.

  3. Student attendance records are the responsibility of each course's teacher. Teachers will report attendance records to the Student Office once every two weeks.

  4. Attendance rolls are divided into the four categories of “late,” “truant,” “leave of absence,” and “sick leave.” Foreign students who request a leave of absence because of illness or other issue should go through the proper procedures. Those students who fail to apply for a leave of absence or who did not receive proper approval will have their absences regarded as truant, without exception. If a student takes a leave of absence because of illness, that student must present proof of illness from a hospital (notes from private clinics are not sufficient). Details about the process for requesting a leave of absence can be obtained by referring to the School's policies regarding leaves of absence.

  5. Students' files (managed by the University) contain their attendance records, and attendance typically comprises a significant part of one's academic scores. Recipients of Chinese government scholarships should note that their annual evaluation includes a review of attendance records as one of its main areas of evaluation.

  6. The School will immediately censure those students who are found to regularly arrive to class late or leave early. Regarding students who are often truant or are in violation of school rules, the school will review the circumstances in order to determine appropriate disciplinary action, which includes expulsion if necessary.

  7. These policies are effective immediately. The office of theSchoolofInternational Educationreserves the right to interpret these policies in matters of dispute.

NingxiaUniversitySchoolof International Education

May 15, 2012

上一条:国际教育学院外国留学生请假管理办法 下一条:办理离校手续

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