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习党建,筑强国 ▏每周要闻
来源:  时间:2019/11/11 21:34:49  查看次数:





The second China international import expo was held in Shanghai on November 5, marking the beginning of the world import expo. Compared with last year, the current fair is not only bigger, but also better.

From last year's precise Swiss adaptive gamma knife, Germany "Taurus" gantry milling, fresh milk to New Zealand this year, Japan's most thin insulin injection needles, Italian type 195 high-speed patrol boat, loreal cosmetics "black science and technology", in just two years time, into the fair has become a national enterprises show new product "shows" and the "accelerator" hot style. As a rising star, why the expo has such a strong attraction?




11月5日,国家主席习近平在第二届中国国际进口博览会(进博会)开幕式上发表题为《开放合作 命运与共》的主旨演讲,就构建开放的世界经济提出中国倡议和中国主张,为重振阴霾笼罩、日显低迷的世界经济指明了正确方向。


On November 5, President Xi in the 2nd China international import expo opening ceremony titled "open cooperation common fate" of the keynote speech, is to build an open world economy made the Chinese initiative and the Chinese claim to revive clouded, pointed out the correct direction of the world economy more and more depressed.

On October 15, the IMF released its latest world economic outlook report, which lowered the world economic growth rate to 3% in 2019, the lowest level since the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008. The IMF also expects sino-us trade tensions to reduce global gross domestic product by a cumulative 0.8 per cent by 2020. In view of this, the IMF urged policymakers to take steps to remove trade barriers to boost confidence and revive trade and investment.

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